Find the Houston TX Best Plastic Surgeon right here at Plastic Eye Surgery Associates. Plastic surgery involves liposuction, facelifts, and tummy tucks. Here at Plastic Eye Surgery Associates, we specialize in plastic surgery around the eyes and face. Women and men from around the world get cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Plastic Eye Surgery Associates performs over 1000 blepharoplasty and eyelid surgeries every year.
While eyelid is our specialty, we perform other plastic and reconstructive surgeries on the forehead, cheeks, neck, jowls, and ears. Our practice encompasses innovative methods and the newest technology. We have the top plastic surgeons in the United States. We have been globally recognized as leaders in the plastic eye surgery industry.
Our Practice as Houston TX Best Plastic Surgeons
Plastic Eye Surgery Associates exclusively focuses on aesthetic and reconstructive surgery around the eyes and face. Our three exceptional doctors have created a unique collaboration to maximize results and meet the distinguished requests from our patients. Dr. Patrinely and Dr. Soparkar are highly trained professionals who will work with you to achieve the goals you want with your face and eyes.
Dr. James Patrinely
James R. Patrinely, MD, FACS
Dr. Patrinely graduated with a Dean’s Award from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. His background also showcases an ophthalmology residency and training at Johns Hopkins, University of Utah, and Baylor College of Medicine. He is a board-certified ophthalmologist and specializes in reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Patrinely is called upon by accident victims to perform reconstructive surgery. Other cosmetic surgeons also call upon Dr. Patrinely’s help for more complex surgeries and complications. He also has many accolades collected, including 175 written pieces in his field and over 225 lectures given across the globe. These accolades support Dr. Patrinely as a Houston TX best plastic surgeon.
Charles N.S. Soparkar, MD, Ph.D., FACS
His associates in practice are Drs. Soparkar and Charles Soparkar graduated from the University of Massachusetts, where he received his Ph.D. in molecular biochemistry before his medical degree. Later on, he served as a Chief of Ophthalmic Oncology and Oculoplastic Surgery at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and the Lahey-Hitchcock Clinic.
Dr. Soparkar founded the Pan American Study Society (PASS), which is dedicated to improving clinical knowledge and setting the highest standard for patient care. His focus at Plastic Eye Surgery Associates is corrective surgery for patients who have complications from prior surgeries. Roughly 60% of our work is corrective surgery at PESA.
Our Methods
The reputation for Plastic Eye Surgery Associates has been recognized from all over the world by many. Dr. Patrinely and Dr. Soparkar are some of the best plastic surgeons available for the eyes and face. The reason we have garnered such an excellent reputation in plastic surgery is our collaborative and innovative methods.
Other plastic surgeons will perform the same surgery with identical steps on all of their patients. Sometimes this can seem like an assembly line, churning out surgery rather than treating patients as individual humans. We see this as a big problem. Plastic surgeons must take characteristics from history, anatomy, and personal goals into account. If a simple feature such as their eyebrow height or previous under eye filler is overlooked, then complications may arise and the desired look will not be achieved.
Everyone has different facial features, so everyone’s procedure should be different. Our practice takes a long list of traits into consideration. This way, we maximize the results of each individual surgery and to create a great look for every patient. Take our blepharoplasty surgeries, for example. Blepharoplasty is plastic surgery of the upper or lower eyelids. We take numerous traits into account when planning work on an eyelid.
Characteristics Matter
Cheek projection, brow position, wrinkles around the eye, and skin laxity are all vital attributes to recognize during a surgical evaluation. Most cheeks are full to provide support for the lower eyelid, thus protecting the eye. If cheek position or volume is not considered, then the eyelid could lower or retract, resulting in a deformity or extreme dry eye problem. Blepharoplasty is a very common cosmetic surgery, but you want the best oculoplastic surgeon to do it right the first time.
Dr. Charles Soparkar
We take pride in our practice because we are leading the charge in this type of surgery in the Houston area. For over 25 years, we have led blepharoplasty and eyelid surgeries in Houston, TX. We believe experience is important when selecting the right plastic surgeon for you. We also want to make sure you are comfortable and treated like a human. Our staff is dedicated to providing the best customer service in the surgical industry.
Our Procedures
Plastic Eye Surgery Associates specialize in various types of reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. Plastic surgery can most certainly make you look like your old self or improve an existing look. These are examples of our cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries below.
- Blepharoplasty
- Midface Lift
- Forehead Lift/ Brow Lift
- Injectables (Botox, Filler)
- Lower Eyelid Lift
- Upper Eyelid Lift
- Blepharospasm Treatment
- Corrective Plastic Surgery
- Earlobe Surgery
- Ectropion Repair
- Entropion Repair
- Eyelid Reconstruction
- Eyelid Skin Cancer Reconstruction (Following Mohs Surgery)
- Orbital Trauma Repair
- Orbital Tumors
- Ptosis Repair (for droopy eyelid)
- Thyroid Eye Disease Treatment
- Tear Drainage Surgery (DCR)
Each of these procedures is available to our patients, children as well as men and women. We recognize ourselves as the best plastic surgeons in Houston, TX. Our practice is unlike any other surgical center in the way that we also train upcoming surgeons. All of our doctors are involved in medical education. Occasionally, we have doctors visit from other countries to learn from our experts. Dr. Patrinely and Dr. Soparkar teach doctors in training and share their specialized techniques.
There may be times when a procedure requires a second hand because of its complexity. In this case, a second doctor or oculoplastic technician will be called upon to assist in the procedure. Sometimes, we even join other ENT or specialized surgeons. You will be in great hands regardless because our surgeons will only offer the best plastic surgery care for you. We take pride in the care of our patients because their goals are our goals.
Get in Touch With Us Today
If you are trying to find the best plastic surgeon in your area, then get in touch with the Plastic Eye Surgery Associates today. We rank among the top plastic surgeons in the world because of our unique practice. You may have a complication from a previous surgery you want to be corrected, or you want to try filler (like Restylane) or Botox. We can work with you to get the job done. Schedule a consultation today to get started.
You can call us at (713) 795-0705 or visit our Houston office page for more information. Let us help you look better than ever. We know your eyes are essential to you. Plastic Eye Surgery Associates have the best plastic surgeons for your eyes. If you’re looking for the Houston TX best plastic surgeon, then get in touch with us today.
Fun Facts about Houston
- The Texas Medical Center in Houston is the largest medical institution in the world.
- Houston has an underground tunnel system for pedestrians that connects to many major stores and restaurants. 6 miles long, spans 95 city blocks.
- The tallest building in Texas is the JP Morgan Chase Tower, at 1,002 feet. This building has five sides.
- Find more fun facts about Houston here.